How to Delete Bigo Live Account on iPhone: Quick and Easy Steps

To delete Bigo Live account on iPhone, open the app, go to Profile > Settings > Account > Delete Account. Deleting account removes all data permanently.

Deleting your Bigo Live account on iPhone is a simple process. If you no longer wish to use the app and want to remove your account, follow these steps to ensure your data is fully deleted. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to delete your Bigo Live account on your iPhone.

By following these steps, you can easily remove your account and ensure your personal information is no longer stored on the platform.

Why Delete Bigo Live Account?

When it comes to Why Delete Bigo Live Account?, there are two primary reasons that users may consider deleting their Bigo Live accounts – Privacy Concerns and Reducing Screen Time.

Privacy Concerns

Bigo Live collects user data, including personal information, which may raise Privacy Concerns for users.

Reducing Screen Time

Deleting a Bigo Live account can help in Reducing Screen Time, promoting a healthier balance in life.

How to Delete Bigo Live Account on iPhone: Quick and Easy Steps


Steps To Delete Bigo Live Account

Learn How to Delete Your Bigo Live Account on iPhone with these simple steps:

Step 1: Open The Bigo Live App

Launch the Bigo Live app on your iPhone.

Step 2: Go To Profile Settings

Locate and tap on the profile icon in the bottom right corner to access your profile settings.

Step 3: Find And Select ‘delete Account’ Option

In the profile settings, scroll down and find the option for ‘Delete Account’.

Step 4: Confirm Deletion

Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm the deletion of your Bigo Live account.

Considerations Before Deleting

Before deleting your Bigo Live account on iPhone, it’s important to consider a few key points to ensure a smooth process. Taking these considerations into account will help in safeguarding any important data and managing subscriptions and purchases effectively.

Data Back Up

Backing up your data is crucial before deleting your Bigo Live account. Make sure to save any important photos, videos, or chats that you want to keep. You can back up your data by using iCloud or by transferring files to your computer.

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Subscriptions And Purchases

If you have any active subscriptions or pending purchases within the Bigo Live app, ensure that you have managed or cancelled them before proceeding with the deletion of your account. This will help in preventing any unexpected charges or inconveniences.

After Deleting The Account

If you want to delete your Bigo Live account on iPhone, simply follow these steps: Go to the app, click on your profile, select “Settings,” then “Privacy,” and finally “Close Account. ” After deleting the account, you won’t be able to access your Bigo Live content and profile.

After successfully deleting your Bigo Live account on your iPhone, there are a few important things to consider. In this section, we will guide you through the process of removing your personal information and explain the impact this deletion may have on your contacts and connections. ## Removal of Personal Information Deleting your Bigo Live account ensures that your personal information is no longer accessible within the app. However, it’s important to be aware that any data you have shared with other users may still be retained by them. To protect your privacy, it is recommended that you take additional steps to remove or request the deletion of any personal information shared with others while using the app. ## Impact on Contacts and Connections Once you delete your Bigo Live account, your contacts and connections within the app will no longer have access to your profile or be able to interact with you. This means that any friends or followers you have accumulated will no longer be able to view your live streams or send you messages on the platform. It’s essential to keep in mind that deleting your account will sever these digital connections permanently. If you wish to maintain contact with individuals you met through Bigo Live, be sure to exchange alternative contact information, such as phone numbers or email addresses, prior to deleting your account.
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In summary, deleting your Bigo Live account on your iPhone ensures the removal of your personal information within the app. However, it’s important to remember that any data shared with others may still be retained by them. Additionally, deleting your account will sever all connections within the app, so be sure to exchange alternative contact information with those you wish to keep in touch with.

Alternatives To Bigo Live

Welcome to the world of live streaming! If you’re considering deleting your Bigo Live account on your iPhone, you may be looking for alternative live streaming apps or ways to limit your social media usage. In this section, we will explore other live streaming apps and discuss the benefits of limiting your time spent on social media platforms.

Exploring Other Live Streaming Apps

There are several live streaming apps available for iPhone users that you can try out as an alternative to Bigo Live. These apps offer unique features and a vibrant community of streamers that cater to various interests. Here are a few popular options:

  • Twitch: Best known for its gaming community, Twitch allows you to stream, watch, and chat with other users who share your passion for gaming. It also offers a variety of non-gaming content, including music, art, and cooking streams.
  • Periscope: This app focuses on real-time live broadcasting, enabling users to share their daily experiences, events, or simply interact with their followers. It’s a great platform to connect with an engaged audience.
  • YouTube Live: As the most popular video-sharing platform, YouTube Live lets you stream to a wide audience. Whether you’re a vlogger, entertainer, or educator, this platform offers incredible reach and monetization opportunities.

Limiting Social Media Usage

In addition to exploring other live streaming apps, another alternative to Bigo Live is to limit your time spent on social media platforms. While these platforms offer a plethora of engaging content, excessive usage can sometimes lead to a loss of productivity and interfere with real-life interactions. Here are some ways to achieve a healthier balance:

  1. Set specific time limits for social media usage and stick to them.
  2. Create a schedule that includes designated offline hours for uninterrupted focus or quality time with loved ones.
  3. Find alternative activities that you enjoy, such as reading, practicing a hobby, or spending time in nature.
  4. Interact with the online community mindfully by engaging with content that adds value and avoiding toxic or negative interactions.
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Remember, deleting your Bigo Live account doesn’t mean abandoning the live streaming community altogether. With these alternative apps and mindful social media usage, you can continue to connect with others while maintaining a healthy balance in your digital life.

How to Delete Bigo Live Account on iPhone: Quick and Easy Steps


How to Delete Bigo Live Account on iPhone: Quick and Easy Steps


Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Delete Bigo Live Account On Iphone

How Do I Delete My Bigo Live Account?

To delete your Bigo live account, go to settings, select account, then tap on delete account option. Confirm your choice to permanently remove your account.

How Do I Delete A Post On Bigo Live?

To delete a post on BIGO Live, tap on the post, select the three dots, and choose delete.

Is Bigo Live Safe To Use?

Yes, Bigo Live is safe to use. It has safety features to protect users’ privacy and security.

How Do I Change My Bigo Id?

To change your BIGO ID, go to your profile settings, select “Account,” and click on “Change BIGO ID. ” Enter your desired new ID and confirm the change.


In today’s digital age, it’s essential to know how to delete your Bigo Live account on iPhone. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your personal data is secure and protected. Taking control of your online presence is an important step towards safeguarding your privacy.

So, don’t hesitate to take action and delete your Bigo Live account if necessary.

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